BBO Crystal

As a superior electro-optical material, BBO crystal is often used in high-power laser systems with wavelengths from 200nm to 12500nm. Z-cut BBO crystals, after being coated with anti-reflection coating and electrodes with gold plating, can be used as Q-switched devices for continuous-wave diode pumped Nd:YAG lasers to produce high-power energy output. Our company can provide BBO sheets with a thickness of 0.05 mm.

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THATSHIGH BBO is featured by: 

1.Broad phase matchable range from 409.6 nm to 3500 nm;
2.Wide transmission region from 190 nm to 3500 nm;
3.Large effective second-harmonic-generation (SHG) coefficient about 6 times greater than that of KDP crystal;
4.High damage threshold;
5.High optical homogeneity with dn » 10-6/cm;
6.Wide temperature-bandwidth of about 55°C.

THATSHIGH Offers BBO of:  

1.Strict quality control;
2.Crystal length from 0.02mm to 25mm and size up to 15x15x15 mm3;
3.P-coatings, AR-coatings, mounts and re-polishing services;
4.A large quantity of crystals in stock

THATSHIGH Specifications for BBO Crystal 

Dimension Tolerance (W±0.1mm) ×(H±0.1mm) ×(L+0.5/-0.1mm) (L≥2.5mm)
(W±0.1mm) ×(H±0.1mm) ×(L+0.1/-0.1mm) (L<2.5mm)
Angle Tolerance Δθ ≤ 0.25° Δφ ≤ 0.25°
Clear Aperture 90% of central area
Chamfer ≤ 0.2mm @45°
Chip ≤ 0.1mm
Damage Threshold
[GW/cm2 ]
> 1 TEM00, 10ns, 10HZ (uncoated)
> 0.5 for 1064nm, TEM00, 10ns, 10HZ (AR-coated)
> 0.3 for 532nm, TEM00, 10ns, 10HZ (AR-coated)
Flatness < λ/8 @ 633nm
Parallelism < 20″
Perpendicularity ≤ 5′
Surface Quality [S/D] < 10/5
Wavefront Distortion < λ/8 @ 633nm
Interior Quality No visible scattering paths or centers [inspected by 50mW green laser]


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