BBO Pockels cell

BBO Pockels cell are best suited for high repetition rate Q-switching, pulse picking at up to 3 MHz, laser cavity dumping, and pulses coupling into and from regenerative amplifier.

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Application of BBO Pockels cell:

BBO Pockels Cells are used to change the polarization state of light passing through it when a voltage is applied to the electrodes of electro-optic crystals. Thatshigh BBO Pockels Cells are the better alternative to KD*P Pockels Cells for high average power and high repetition rate applications. BBO Pockels Cells operate from approximately 0.2 to 1.65 µm and aren’t subject to tracking degradation. Due to the low piezoelectric coupling coefficients of BBO, our cells function at repetition rates of hundreds of kilohertz. The product series BBO Pockels Cells employs single crystal , dual crystal and low-voltage geometry. Moreover, we also provide different types of products and customized services to meet customer needs.

High repetition rate DPSS Q-switch

High repetition rate regenerative amplifier control


Beam chopper

Cavity dumping


THATSHIGH Features of BBO Pockels Cell:

High extinction ratio

High damage threshold

High repetition rate

Minimal piezoelectric ringing

Low absorption

Ceramic protectaperture

Compact design

Easy adjustment

Typical Performance @1064nm

Typical Dimension

of Pockels cell

Ф25.4*35mm Ф25.4*40mm Ф25.4*35mm Ф25.4*40mm Ф25.4*35mm Ф25.4*40mm

of Crystal

3X3X20mm 3X3X25mm 4X4X20mm 4X4X25mm 5X5X20mm 5X5X25mm
Quantity of crystals 1 1 1 1 1 1
Clear Aperture Ф2.6mm Ф3.6mm Ф4.6mm
Single pass optical transmission >98% >98% >98% >98% >98% >98%














λ/4 Voltage 3500V 2800V 4900V 3900V 5900V 4700V
Capacitance <3.0pF <3.0pF <3.0F <3.0pF <3.0pF <3.0pF
DamageThreshold 750MW/cm²@1064nm.10ns,10Hz

Typical Performance @1064nm of Dual crystal 

Product Type EOB-T3A
Dimention D25.4mm×58.4mm
Quantity of crystals 1
Clear Aperture Φ2.5mm
Extinction Ratio@1064nm >500:1
Voltage@1064nm 1600V
Capacitance 6.0pF
Transmittance@1064nm >98%
Damage Threshold 500MW/cm2,10ns,10Hz@1064nm

Seal Housing Schematic Diagram

Seal Housing Schematic Diagram of Dual crystal

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