DKDP Pockels cell

DKDP (KD*P) Pockels cells are used in most of the commercially available flashlamp pumped Nd:YAG and Ruby lasers, low repetition rate DPSS lasers.

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Application of DKDP Pockels cell:
With excellent physical and optical property, DKDP series Pockels cells are widely used in laser systems with large caliber, high power and narrow pulse width. They are among the optimal E-O Q-switches used in pulse laser systems, including: OEM laser systems; Medical/cosmetic lasers; Versatile R&D laser platforms; Military & aerospace laser systems.

For all the DKDP pockels cells THATSHIGH offers high damage threshold solgel coating and dielectic AR coating.

THATSHIGH Specifications of DKDP Pockels cell:

Extinction Ratio >7000:1
Wavefront Distortion < λ/8 @633nm
Capacitance according to different model
Single Pass Optical Transmission >98.5%
Damage Threshold >750MW/cm2 @1064nm, 10ns 10Hz
Spectral Range 240nm~1400nm
Typical Aperture Diameter 8mm~30mm

THATSHIGH Features of DKDP Pockels Cell:
High deuteration (>99%) DKDP.
No static birefringence.
No photorefractive damage.
Resistant to environmental temperature.
Excellent electric-optical properties.
Sealant and adhesive free.
High extinction ratio
High damage threshold
Low λ/4 Voltage
Single Pass Optical Transmission
Compact design
Easy adjustment

Typical Performance @1064nm

Type EOD-8Sc EOD-10Spa EOD-11Wa EOD-12Sb EOD-13Sa
Dimension Ф19*27mm Ф25.4*39mm Ф35*42mm Ф28*33mm Ф25.3*42.5mm
Clear Aperture Ф8mm Ф10mm Ф11mm Ф12mm Ф13mm
Single pass optical transmission >98.5% >98.5% >98.5% >98.5% >98.5%
Wavefront Distortion <λ/8 <λ/8 <λ/8 <λ/8 <λ/8


>7000:1 >7000:1 >7000:1 >7000:1 >7000:1
λ/4 Voltage 3000V+/-200V 3000V+/-200V 3000V+/-200V 3000V+/-200V 3000V+/-200V
Capacitance <4.5pF <5pF <6.5pF <7pF <8pF
DamageThreshold 750MW/cm²@1064nm.10ns,10Hz

Seal Housing Schematic Diagram



Application Notices on DKDP Series Q-switch
Core exposure or loose contact is forbidden.
Recommend to be operated at constant temperature.
Please avoid any intense impact or vibration.
Unauthorized disassembly is forbidden.

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