LBO Crystal

LBO crystals is an excellent nonlinear crystal.For frequency doubling(SHG),tripling(THG) of Nd:YAG,Nd:YLF,Nd:YVO4 lasers, it is one of the most useful nonlinear optical materials in ultraviolet and visible laser applications.

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THATSHIGH’s LBO (Lithium triborate or LiB3O5) is grown with an improved flux method. LBO is an orthorhombic cyrstal and belongs to the point group mm2. It is built up of a continuous network of B3O7 groups with lithium cations locating in the interstices. The compact network of B3O7 groups makes the LBO crystal almost free of inclusion. Now, THATSHIGH provides high quality LBO crystals for many applications.

LBO Features:
1.Broad transparency range from 160nm to 2600nm (SHG range from 550nm to 2600nm).
2.Type I and type II non-critical phase-matching (NCPM) over a wide wavelength range.
3.Relatively large effective SHG coefficient (about three times larger than that of KDP).
4.High damage threshold (18.9 GW/cm2 for a 1.3ns laser at 1054nm).
5.Wide acceptance angle and small walk-off.
6.High optical quality (homogeneity Dn≈ 10-6/cm) and free of inclusion.

LBO Applications:

1.High power Nd:YAG and Nd:YLF lasers for R&D and military applications.
2.Ti:Sapphire, Alexandrite and Cr:LiSAF lasers.
3.Medical and industrial Nd:YAG lasers.
4.Diode laser pumped Nd:YVO4, Nd:YAG and Nd:YLF lasers.
5.Frequency-tripling (THG) of Nd:YAG and Nd:YLF lasers.
6.Optical parametric amplifiers (OPA) and oscillators (OPO) pumped by Excimer lasers and harmonics of Nd:YAG lasers.
7.Frequency doubling (SHG) and tripling (THG) of high power Nd:YAP laser at 1340nm.

1. Strict quality control.
2. Large crystal with size up to 10x10x30 mm3 and maximum length of 35 mm.
3. AR-coatings, mounts and repolishing services.
4. Fast delivery, in-stock crystals in a large quantity.

THATSHIGH’S Warranty on LBO Specifications

Transmitting wavefront distortion less than l/8 @ 633nm
Dimension tolerance (W± 0.1 mm) x (H± 0.1 mm) x (L + 0.2 mm/-0.1 mm)
Clear aperture central 80% diameter
No visible scattering paths or centers when inspected by a 30 mW green laser
Flatness l/8 @ 633nm
Surface Quality 10/5 Scratch/Dig to MIL-O-13830A
Parallelism better than 20 arc seconds
Perpendicularity 15 arc minutes
Angle tolerance Dq < ±0.5o, Df <± 0.5o
Damage threshokd:
15 GW/cm2 for a TEMoo mode, 1.3 ns, 1 Hz laser at 1.064 mm
1 GW/cm2 for a cw, mode-locked laser at 1064nm
Quality warranty period one year under proper use

1. LBO has a very low susceptibility to moisture. Users are advised to provide dry conditions for both use and preservation of LBO.
2. Users are advised to cautiously protect polished surfaces of LBO.
3. THATSHIGH engineers can select and design the best crystal for you if parameters of your laser are provided, for example, energy per pulse, pulse width and repetition rate for a pulsed laser, power for a cw laser, laser beam diameter, mode condition, divergence, wavelength tuning range, etc.

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