
Lens has many applications ranging from simple convergence or divergence of laser beam to precise imaging and image transfer. THATSHIGH provides diverse lenses for different applications.

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Lens has many applications ranging from simple convergence or divergence of laser beam to precise imaging and image transfer.

THATSHIGH provides diverse lenses for different applications.

Typical Specifications for Lens

Lens Materials Illustration Property and Application
Plano-convex BK7
Fused Silica
Positive focus length. Most suitable in conditions where one conjugate is five times more than the other, e.g. in sensor application or for use with near collimated light.
Double-convex BK7
Fused Silica
Most suitable in conditions where the conjugates are on opposite sides of the lense and the ratio of the distances is less than 5:1, e.g. as simple image relay components.
Plano-concave BK7
Fused Silica
Negative lens with the form most suitable in conditions where one conjugates is five times more than the other, e.g. producing divergent light from a collimated input beam.
Double-concave BK7
Fused Silica
Negative lens with the form most suitable for producing diverging light or virtual image, when the input light is converging.

Typical Specifications for Lens

Material BK7 (or fused silica)
Dimension Tolerance +0.0, -0.15mm
Design Wavelength 546.1nm
Design Index n=1.5183±0.0005
Paraxial Focal Length ±2%
Surface Quality [S/D] 60/40
Centration 3′
Bevel 0.25mm×45°
Focal 15mm -1000mm
Diameter 3mm – 200mm
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