
Prisms are blocks of optical material with flat polished sides arranged at precisely controlled angles to each other, which deflect, deviate and rotate light beams as well as disperse the wavelength. THATSHIGH provides diverse high precision prisms for different applications

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Prisms are blocks of optical material with flat polished sides arranged at precisely controlled angles to each other, which deflect, deviate and rotate light beams as well as disperse the wavelength. THATSHIGH provides diverse high precision prisms for different applications.

THATSHIGH Specifications for Standard Prism

Prisms Material Illustration Property & Application
Beam Splitter Penta Prism BK7 By adding a wedge and with partial refractive coating on surfaces S1, Penta prism can be used as a beamsplitter.
Right Angle Prisms BK7

Fused Silica

Right angle prism is deviating or deflecting a beam of light with 90° or 180°.It is often used in telescope, periscope and other optical system. Furthermore, Laser grade right angle prism is also available.
Dispersion Prism BK7

Fused Silica


A commonly used optical component for dispersing the spectrum.
Dove Prism




Dove prism has two applications. Being used as a rotator, it can rotate an image but without deviating the beam. When the prism is rotated about the input
parallel ray through some angle, the image rotates through twice that angle.
It is very important that, in this application,the prism must be used with parallel or collimated beam and the large square
reflective surface should be kept very clean. This prism has other application of being used as a retroreflector, in which it performs as a right-angle prism.
Wedge Prism BK7

Fused Silica

Wedge prisms have similar function with optical windows. They all can be used as isolating components. Wedges may be used to produce a small deviation, which don’t allow returning to the source.
Roof Prism BK7  


Roof prism is normally combined with a right angle prism and a totally internally reflecting roof, attaching by their largest square surfaces. It can invert and reverse an image, as well as deflect the image by 90° . Therefore, it is often used in terrestrial telescopes, viewing systems and rangefinders.
Material BK7 Grade A optical glass
Dimension Tolerance +0mm, -0.2mm
Flatness λ/6 @ 632.8nm
Surface Quality [S/D] 20/10
Clear Aperture > 80% central area
Bevel (0.1-0.5)mm×45°
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