RTP Pockels cell
RTP Pockels cell is built using two RTP elements in a temperature compensating design. The unique properties of RTP, including high electrical resistivity(~1011-1012W·cm) and a high damage threshold, result in a pockels cell with excellent properties. These Q-switches have been tested at 100kHz, with no sign of piezoelectric ringing.

High Damage Threshold
No Piezoelectric Ringing
Low Insertion Loss
Thermal Compensating Design
High Extinction and Contrast Ratio
Spectral range 500-3000 nm

Transmission at 1064 nm: > 98.5%
Static Half Wave Voltage at 1064 nm:
4x4x20 mm: 1,600 V
6x6x20 mm: 2,400 V
9x9x20 mm: 3,600 V
Contrast Ratio: > 20 dB @ 633 nm
Aperture: from 2×2 mm² up to 15×15 mm²
AR coating: R < 0.1% @ 1064 nm
Damage Threshold: > 600 MW/cm² @ 1064 nm, 10 ns pulse

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