Compared with the crystal of the same composition, the electro-optic coefficient, nonlinear optical coefficient, periodic polarization reversal voltage and applied photorefractive properties of stoichiometric LiNbO3 crystal are greatly improved. With such excellent physical properties and wide application prospects, near stoichiometric lithium niobate crystal has rapidly become a competitive optoelectronic material.
Advantages of MGSLN:
● Low magnetic field – suitable for high precision and high speed phase matching process
● High thermal conductivity greater than CLN/MgCLN20%-50%
● High photorefractive damage threshold.
Typical applications:
● Periodically polarized device
● THz Device
Description | Value |
Absorption edge (20cm-1) | 303(C=49.9) |
Birefringence index(633nm) | -0.0900(C=50) |
Electro optic coefficient(pm/V) | R61=9.89(C-49.95) |
Nonlinear coefficient(pm/V) | 17.5(C=49.8) |
oH- absorption peak/FWHM(cm-1) | 3465.5/2.9(C=49.9) |
Domain inversion voltage(KV/cm²) | 0.8(C=49.9) |
Damage Threshold | 100MW/cm2@532nm |
C in the table is the Li2O content of the crystal |
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